ACL/AoA has compiled a number of resources, links and information for Title VI grantees to use as a reference during the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 Links
Native America Calling Radio Program: Our Precious Elders
June 25, 2020
The "Native America Calling" radio show on Thursday, June 25, 2020, was a discussion about keeping elders safe and engaged during COVID-19. The show featured Chris Klabunde (Athabascan), Manager of the Elder Program at Southcentral Foundation; Cynthia LaCounte (Turtle Mountain Chippewa), Director of the Office for American Indians, Alaskan Natives and Native Hawaiian programs, Administration on Aging within Health and Human Services; Brian Vallo (Acoma Pueblo), Governor of Acoma Pueblo; and Larry Curley (Navajo), Executive Director for the National Indian Council on Aging. Listen to the program here. Find a link to all archived programs here (Broken Link).
COVID-19 Resources for Nursing Homes & Long-Term Care
June 17, 2020
Residents and staff of nursing homes and other long-term care facilities are facing incredible challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other federal and national organizations have released guidance and resources for the sector. Here are links to trusted resources that they are regularly updating.
CDC Webinar: Applying COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control Strategies in Nursing Homes
June 17, 2020
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is held a webinar on June 16, "Applying COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control Strategies in Nursing Homes," as part of their Clinician Outreach and Communication Activity (COCA) calls. The recording with the integrated audio transcript is now available.
COVID-19 Rapid Response Network for Nursing Homes: Join Daily National Nursing Home Huddles
June 17, 2020
The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), with support from The John A. Hartford Foundation and in partnership with the Age-Friendly Health Systems initiative, has launched the COVID-19 Rapid Response Network for Nursing Homes (Broken Link). The network is designed to support nursing home leadership, staff, residents and families impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more about the daily huddles (Broken Link) and sign up here (Broken Link).
JAMA: “Abandoned” Nursing Homes Continue to Face Critical Supply and Staff Shortages as COVID-19 Toll Has Mounted
June 17, 2020
JAMA has published a Medical News and Perspective article, “'Abandoned' Nursing Homes Continue to Face Critical Supply and Staff Shortages as COVID-19 Toll Has Mounted." The article talks about nursing homes during the coronavirus pandemic and interviews experts in the field.
Information on Elder Activities
April 24, 2020
Here are some ideas to help you keep your days full and to remain socially engaged. We encourage Title VI Directors to send this out with meals! Provided by the National Indigenous Elder Justice Initiative. Find the tip sheet here.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Tips for Dementia Caregivers in Long-Term or Community-Based Settings
April 15, 2020
Emergency situations, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic, present special challenges to the delivery of Alzheimer’s and dementia care in long-term and community-based care settings, including nursing homes, assisted living, home health, home care and adult day care. People receiving care or utilizing services in these settings are particularly vulnerable to complications due to their age and other concurrent medical conditions. The Alzheimer’s Association has provided some tips on how to meet the needs of persons living with dementia during a major disease outbreak or disaster.
Joint PSA with Ad Council and AARP
April 2, 2020
The Ad Council is always first to respond to national crisis and as a partner with them for more than 8 years on caregiving issues, AARP has shared key resources for their #AloneTogether campaign (Broken Link) and is working with them to develop specific coronavirus-specific caregiving digital PSAs to push out to media outlets across the country.
AARP Caregiving Page
April 2, 2020
Last year, AARP reached more than 11 million caregivers with their content, through social or through their in-person and webinar events. AARP's dedicated caregiving page has been updated to include all of the recent coronavirus coverage relevant for family caregivers and an index to help caregivers find the exact information they need quickly. Also, you can find a blog about helping caregivers navigate COVID-19 authored by Nancy LeaMond, AARP’s Chief Advocacy and Engagement Officer, here. Please note, families can also connect with other caregivers and hear from experts in AARP’s Caregiver group on Facebook.
COVID-19 Fact Sheet for Grandfamilies and Multigenerational Families
March 20, 2020
Our country and the world are facing a pandemic unlike any many of us have seen before. People over the age of 60 and those with compromised immune systems are among the highest-risk populations COVID-19 is impacting. While grandparents are being advised to isolate themselves physically from grandchildren, it is nearly impossible for older caregivers to distance themselves from the children they are raising. You are on the front line for your family every day. Today’s challenges are making it much tougher to care for them. It’s important to stay calm and do everything you can to stay healthy, informed and connected. Here are a few resources and suggestions.
Alzheimer's Association: Tips for Dementia Caregivers
March 19, 2020
Most likely, dementia does not increase risk for COVID-19, the respiratory illness caused by the new coronavirus, just like dementia does not increase risk for flu. However, dementia-related behaviors, increased age and common health conditions that often accompany dementia may increase risk. For example, people with Alzheimer's disease and all other dementia may forget to wash their hands or take other recommended precautions to prevent illness. In addition, diseases like COVID-19 and the flu may worsen cognitive impairment due to dementia. The Alzheimer’s Association has released tips for dementia caregivers during COVID-19 which are available here.
AARP Coronavirus Article: Families Concerned About Loved Ones in Nursing Homes, Assisted Living
March 19, 2020
AARP has published an article, "Families Concerned About Loved Ones in Nursing Homes, Assisted Living," as officials bar guests to protect vulnerable residents from coronavirus. The article explores the federal restrictions on nursing home visits and parses what the emergency measures now in place mean in practice for residents and their families, as well as for staff. Guidelines for residents and staff are discussed and experts make recommendations for family caregivers. Read the article here.
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Resources for Older Adults, Family Caregivers and Health Care Providers
March 19, 2020
As we all work together to ensure the safety of the public, and in particular, older adults and other individuals who are at increased risk from COVID-19, it is important to turn to trusted sources of information. Here is a link to some resources from the John A. Hartford Foundation and its partners and grantees that they regularly update with information for older adults, family caregivers and health care providers. Find the link here.
FEMA Funeral Assistance Flyer
May 5, 2021
FEMA has recently developed a Coronavirus (COVID-19) Funeral Assistance Flyer. This flyer has information about eligibility criteria, which expenses are reimbursable, and information an applicant should have on hand when they call to register for this assistance.
FEMA Funeral Assistance
April 26, 2021
If you lost a loved one to COVID-19, you may be eligible for a government program that pays for funeral expenses. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will pay up to $9,000 for funeral expenses for loved ones who died of COVID-19. Survivors can apply for benefits by contacting FEMA, toll-free, at 844-684-6333. To find out if you qualify, read FEMA’s Funeral Assistance FAQs.
Unfortunately, FEMA reports that scammers are contacting people and pretending to offer to register them for assistance. To avoid those scams, here are some tips:
If you think you got a scam call, hang up and report it to the FEMA Helpline at 800-621-3362 or the Federal Trade Commission at
Letter to Governors Regarding PPE from Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services
Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services, Eric D. Hargan, wrote a letter to Governors regarding prioritizing personal protective equipment (PPE) for the workforce that provides critical services for older adults and people with disabilities. Read the letter here.
Title VI Reporting Guidance for Services Provided in Response to COVID-19
Click here to download Title VI reporting guidance for services provided in response to COVID-19.
ACL Announces Nearly $1 Billion in CARES Act Grants to Support Older Adults and People with Disabilities in the Community During the COVID-19 Emergency
April 21, 2020
Today, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is announcing $955 million in grants from the Administration for Community Living (ACL) to help meet the needs of older adults and people with disabilities as communities implement measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The CARES Act Grants will fund home-delivered meals; care services in the home; respite care and other support to families and caregivers; information about and referral to supports; and more.
Emergency Determination Under the Stafford Act
March 20, 2020
On March 13, 2020, the President declared that the ongoing pandemic is of sufficient severity and magnitude to warrant an emergency determination under section 501(b) of the Stafford Act, and that the emergency exists nationwide. The President also stated that requests for a declaration of a “major disaster” as set forth in section 401(a) of the Stafford Act may be appropriate and encouraged governors and tribal leaders to consider requesting such a declaration. Declaration of a major disaster would trigger disaster relief authority in the Older Americans Act (PDF).
Older Americans Act Disaster Relief FAQs
March 16, 2020
You can review these Frequently Asked Questions regarding Older American Act Disaster Relief here.
COVID-19 Community Corps Connection - Community Call to Action
August 15, 2022
The Community Call to Action is your weekly way to make a difference and help build vaccine confidence in your community. Each week, we’ll guide you to a topic-specific resource or event that you can share with your networks to inform audiences about COVID-19 vaccines and encourage vaccinations. Read the latest issue here.
COVID-19 Toolbox
November 2, 2020
The Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development used Google Sites to create four Nation Building Toolboxes, including a COVID-19 toolbox dedicated to sharing multimedia resources in public and health policy. Find more information here.
Next Avenue Article from Terry Fulmer: The Emergency Department’s Role in Spotting Elder Mistreatment
June 17, 2020
Terry Fulmer, PhD, RN, FAAN, President of The John A. Hartford Foundation, has written a blog for Next Avenue, "The Emergency Department’s Role in Spotting Elder Mistreatment." Dr. Fulmer explains that protecting older adults from mistreatment requires a collaborative approach.
Elder Justice Working Group Member Agencies Resources
April 8, 2020
The Elder Justice Working Group Member Agencies provided a listing of various COVID-19 related resources among agencies. This resource listing is now available to view.
DOJ's Law Enforcement COVID-19 Flyer
April 8, 2020
The Department of Justice's Elder Justice Initiative recently released a COVID-19 Flyer for Law Enforcement. The Department of Justice provides training, toolkits and resources to assist law enforcement in their mission to combat elder abuse and financial exploitation. You can view more of their resources here.
Adult Protective Service (APS) and COVID-19
April 6, 2020
Preparing for and responding to emergencies to support vulnerable adults requires the work of many within and beyond the APS community. While APS staff are not medical first responders, clearly, they must play an important role. In this difficult time, APS workers place the highest value on the needs and safety of APS clients and those for whom a complaint has been made, and at the same time, to mitigate risk of COVID-19 spread. APS, like all of us, must attend to the health and safety of their clients, communities and themselves. Find more information and a list of resources here.
New C2C Telehealth Resources Available
March 25, 2021
In response to the increased use and expanded coverage of telehealth during the COVID-19 pandemic, From Coverage to Care (Broken Link) (C2C) released a new resource to support patients in making the most of virtual care: Telehealth: What to Know for Your Family – Patients can find out the types of care they can receive through telehealth, how to prepare for an appointment, what to expect during a visit, and more.
COVID-19 Impacts in American Indian Communities in the Great Plains Area
May 28, 2020
Through this webinar, which was presented on May 26, 2020, you will learn about the impacts of COVID-19 in American Indian Communities in the Great Plains Area. It will also help you understand cancer screening recommendations during and after COVID-19. View the webinar presentation slides here.
VitalTalk Resource: COVID-19 Communication Skills
March 19, 2020
VitalTalk has released a resource for healthcare professionals on "COVID-19 Communication Skills." The primer is a COVID-19 communications resource to help health care clinicians with their conversations with patients and families. VitalTalk, which trains clinicians in effective communications, crowdsourced this primer to provide practical advice on how to talk about difficult topics related to COVID-19. To get the resource, click here.
CAPC COVID-19 Response Resources
March 19, 2020
The Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC) has released several COVID-19 resources, among them is a response toolkit. CAPC has organized a COVID-19 toolkit including crisis communication and symptom management protocols for all clinicians, and guidance to help palliative care teams address high levels of volume and stress during a crisis.
COVID-19 in Older Adults: Key Points for Emergency Department Providers
March 19, 2020
COVID-19 is a geriatric emergency. This peer-reviewed edition of the Journal of Geriatric Emergency Medicine, authored by several members of the Geriatric Emergency Department Collaborative (GEDC) and other colleagues, has been prepared to share the most up-to-date (as of March 18, 2020) information possible regarding emergency treatment of older adults in the time of COVID-19. Read the full article here.
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, COVID-19 Response
March 19, 2020
Any Veteran with symptoms such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath should immediately contact their local VA facility. VA urges Veterans to call before visiting. Alternatively, Veterans can sign into My HealtheVet to send a secure message to VA or use telehealth options to explain their condition and receive a prompt diagnosis. VA has implemented an aggressive public health response to protect and care for Veterans in the face of this emerging health risk and has administered over 322 COVID-19 tests nationwide while taking aggressive steps to prevent transmission. Additional information regarding VA’s response to COVID-19 can be found here on its website.
COVID-19 PSA from Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation (Navajo Nation)
March 19, 2020
The Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation (TCRHCC) and Dr. Sophina Calderon have created this useful and informative PSA about 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), how it is spread, symptoms, treatment and prevention. View the video here.
COVID-19 Vaccination Mandate Toolkit
October 1, 2021
Learn how you can stay ahead of COVID-19 vaccine mandates with compliance tracking, scheduling updates, and incentives for caregivers to get vaccinated. View the COVID-19 Vaccination Mandate Toolkit here.
NEW COVID-19 Vaccine Guidance and Resources for Partners during the Pandemic
March 22, 2021
As COVID-19 vaccines are becoming more available across the country, CMS is taking action to protect the health and safety of our nation’s patients and providers and keeping you updated on the latest COVID-19 resources from HHS, CDC and CMS. View these New COVID-19 Vaccine Guidance and Resources here.
We Are Resilient: Covid-19 Health PSA for Los Angeles Tribal and Urban Indian Communities
July 23, 2020
Businesses are reopening but we must remember to continue to PROTECT our community. COVID-19 has NOT gone away. Practicing physical distancing and proper handwashing is an act of LOVE: For our languages, For our culture, For our knowledge keepers. Now more than ever CONNECTING to our traditions is a way to take care of our PHYSICAL, MENTAL, EMOTIONAL, and SPIRITUAL health. Watch the PSA here.
CDC Recommendations for Tribal Ceremonies and Gatherings During the COVID-19 Outbreak
July 9, 2020
Tribal ceremonies such as sweat lodge gatherings and seasonal ceremonies, and larger gatherings such as pow wows and rodeos, are a vital part of cultural identity and traditional practices in tribal communities. The CDC offers recommendations (Broken Link) to help tribal communities, elders, and leaders decide how best to keep their communities safe and work to prevent the spread of COVID-19. These considerations are meant to support—not replace—tribal laws, rules, and regulations aimed at protecting the health of tribal communities.
PSA from Rear Admiral Micheal Weahkee
April 15, 2020
Many indigenous populations will soon be engaged in ceremonial gatherings and it will be important to continue following social distancing guidelines. The following public service announcement is from Rear Admiral Michael Weahkee, Acting Director, Indian Health Service. As the federal government’s chief medical officer for Indian Country, Admiral Weahkee is a tireless advocate to promote prevention, protection, and response efforts to COVID-19 in Indian Country. He is a key partner for tribal leadership and a critical nexus between Indian Country and the White House Coronavirus Task Force.
CDC and Guidance for Older Adults
April 15, 2020
Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Coronavirus (COVID-19) website for the latest COVID-19 information regarding how to protect yourself and what to do if you are sick. The CDC also provides guidance for older adults (Broken Link) that may be at higher risk.
COVID-19 Webinar - Expert Panel on Safe Cleaning & Disinfecting of Indoor Environments
April 9, 2020
A Tribal webinar hosted by the Partnership for Air Matters, with the Tribal Healthy Homes Network, the WA State Department of Health, Environmental Protection Agency, Center for Disease Control and Indian Health Service. Learn how to reduce transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in indoor environments by raising awareness of safe and proper use of cleaners, sanitizers and disinfectants. Watch the webinar presentation here.
Evidence-Based Programs during the COVID-19 Emergency
April 6, 2020
It is not an expectation that ACL grantees, both formula and discretionary, are delivering in-person evidence-based programs at this time. Alternative delivery mechanisms (like virtual classes) may not be congruent with program fidelity. Only delivery adaptations that are approved by evidence-based program administrators should be implemented by ACL grantees (formula and discretionary). Please visit the National Council on Aging’s Health Promotion Program Guidance During COVID-19 webpage for resources about delivery adaptations, including a list of requirements (organized by program). Permission to utilize alternate deliver mechanisms is approved only in the context of COVID-19 response, per applicable federal, state, and/or local guidance, and not for long-term program operations. Find the FAQs here (Broken Link).
FAQs Related to Evidence-Based Health Promotion, Disease Prevention Programs
March 12, 2020
Please click here to review these Frequently Asked Questions related to Evidence-Based Health Promotion, Disease Prevention Programs.
For older adults, isolation can lead to overwhelming loneliness
September 21, 2021
Throughout the pandemic, many of us — especially older adults — have had to weigh feeling lonely versus feeling safe. The effects of more than a year of loneliness, experts say, could be long-term. The Seattle Times is launching a reporting initiative to examine the state of mental health. View this initiative here.
Social Distancing, Isolation, and Quarantine - A Resource Flyer from the National Indian Health Board
May 8, 2020
The National Indian Health Board has produced this flyer as part of its National Tribal COVID-19 Response. The flyer contains useful information about social distancing, isolation and quarantine and ways to cope during COVID-19. This flyer would be a great resource for programs to download and print to include with food deliveries. Download the flyer here.
COVID-19 Demands Attention to Mental Health, Too
April 2, 2020
Even in a world without COVID-19, depression is more common and more severe in both older adults, especially those 70 and older, and those living below the federal poverty level. Because COVID-19 and related economic concerns have the potential to greatly affect these vulnerable populations during the pandemic, public health efforts must pay special attention to addressing this issue.
Taking care of your emotional health during the COVID-19 pandemic will help you plan clearly and protect yourself and your family. AARP has some recommendations and resources that can help ease depressive symptoms during this stressful time. Read more here.
Now More Than Ever Before Campaign
March 30, 2020
The President’s Roadmap to Empower Veterans and End a National Tragedy of Suicide (PREVENTS) Office have created a messaging campaign in response to the COVID-19 crisis. This campaign, titled More Than Ever Before, is designed to help people by encouraging them to care for their mental health—and support those they love—every day.
Download the More Than Ever Before Toolkit.
SAMHSA's Taking Care of Your Behavioral Health
March 17, 2020
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration has released a tip sheet for social distancing, quarantine, and isolation during an infectious disease outbreak. This tip sheet describes feelings and thoughts you may have during and after social distancing, quarantine, and isolation. It also suggests ways to care for your behavioral health during these experiences and provides resources for more help. You can view this tip sheet here.
National Strategy for COVID-19 Response and Pandemic Preparedness
January 28, 2021
Recently, the Biden Administration released a new National Strategy for COVID-19 Response and Pandemic Preparedness as well as a number of Executive Orders aimed at curbing the spread of the virus. A fact sheet that highlights the national strategy can be found here.
1/3 Calorie Intake Requirement During COVID-19
April 30, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused nutritional standards (i.e. DRIs and DGAs) to be waived for emergency meals. COVID-19 has made these provisions applicable for funds awarded under Supplemental #3, Supplemental #2 and the regular Older Americans Act during the period of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency. Although not required, the Administration for Community Living (ACL) encourages the use of these nutritional standards to help older adults maintain their health and manage chronic conditions. Find the 1/3 Calorie Requirement document here.
USDA Food Planning During the Coronavirus Pandemic
April 6, 2020
During a pandemic, you may be taking extra precautions to keep you and your family safe and prepared, including making sure you have everything you need at home. This guide (Broken Link) from the USDA contains information on food planning, including what to buy, how much to buy, and preparation tips. There is also a PDF version available.
Another useful link available is Healthy Eating On A Budget.
Looking for Innovation? How about Food Trucks on the Rez?
April 6, 2020
Here’s another option to provide nutrition services to tribal elders. The California AAA4, based in Sacramento, would like to highlight their in-house Congregate Nutrition Program available in Yuba and Sutter Counties. Please see a link to video below of our Mobile Dine Around Town Program. Traditionally, they provide a restaurant voucher program called Dine Around Town, but they recently incorporated a mobile version of the program to include a food truck option. This is a great video and the seniors certainly seem pleased!
Could a food truck take food out to your more rural elders? Some tribes share common borders with another tribe. Is this an option to serve those communities and share programs with your neighbors?
If you have questions feel free to contact Teja Payne, the AAA4 Nutrition Services Manager (P: 1.916.710.8371) or Jean Lloyd, the Title VI Nutrition Expert at
NRCNA’s COVID-19 Nutrition Resource Center
April 1, 2020
The National Resource Center on Nutrition and Aging now has an online nutrition resource center (Broken Link) that provides resources and tools to support COVID-19 emergency preparedness and response.
Nutrition Services Incentive Program (NSIP) of the Older Americans Act and States
March 30, 2020
The Administration for Community Living (ACL) has released a fact sheet to answer questions regarding the Nutrition Services Incentive Program of the Older Americans Act and States.
Nutrition Services Frequently Asked Emergency Management Questions – Updated to Address Issues Related to COVID-19
March 12, 2020
These are highlights from and updates to the Nutrition Services Frequently Asked Emergency Management Questions which can be found here (Broken Link).
Preparedness for Caregivers during COVID-19
April 2, 2020
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, older adults and individuals with chronic health conditions are at higher risk for serious illness from the coronavirus. With already more than 40 million family caregivers helping loved ones with care in the U.S., we expect the virus to increase the number of family caregivers who are providing short-term or long-term care to any older loved one. AARP wants to offer some guidance to family caregivers, specifically to help them tackle how to create a plan for those they are caring for, and supporting those new to caring for someone due to the virus impacting more of the older population. Get the tip sheet here.
Closing the Gaps: Advancing Disaster Preparedness, Response and Recovery for Older Adults
March 19, 2020
The American Red Cross and the American Academy of Nursing have released a report, “Closing the Gaps: Advancing Disaster Preparedness, Response and Recovery for Older Adults.” Based on a review of the latest evidence on disaster preparedness for older adults, the report was produced by members of the American Red Cross Scientific Advisory Council and the American Academy of Nursing Policy Expert Round Table on Emergency/Disaster Preparedness for Older Adults. Read the report here.
Tribes Expect Little Help in Fight to Protect Elders from Coronavirus
March 19, 2020
When a resident of the Tulalip Tribe here in western Washington tested positive for coronavirus, Chairwoman Teri Gobin quickly let her people know the tribe’s priority in limiting the spread. “Our Elders are the most vulnerable,” Gobin said in a video address. “The important thing is to make sure that our Elders are OK.” (In many Native communities, "Elder" is an official title.) As tribes across the country take steps to fight the spread of the coronavirus, they’re doing so mindful that the virus has proven especially dangerous to the elderly, a venerated group in many Native communities. Read the full article here.
What Do Older Adults and People with Disabilities Need to Know About Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
March 3, 2020
With many illnesses, older adults and people with disabilities face higher risks of contracting the disease and/or experiencing complications, particularly if they also have chronic medical conditions. If specific guidance for older adults and people with disabilities is issued, ACL will post it on this page and share it through the ACL Updates email service.
National Elder Fraud Hotline & NCDF Hotline
April 8, 2020
If you or someone you know has been a victim of elder fraud, help is standing by at the National Elder Fraud Hotline.The phone number is 833–FRAUD–11 -or- 833–372–8311 Every day, 6:00 a.m.–11:00 p.m. eastern time, English/Español/Other languages available. For specific Coronavirus-related (COVID-19) complaints, contact National Center for Disaster Fraud (NCDF) Hotline: 1-866-720-5721 -or-
FTC and DOJ Guidance to Avoid Coronavirus Scams
April 8, 2020
The FTC’s Coronavirus Scams resource page in English & Spanish has blogs, links to law enforcement actions, recordings of scam calls about the Coronavirus, and tips on avoiding and reporting scams. You may want to review FTC and DOJ guidance on how to avoid coronarvirus scams.
COVID-19 Consumer Tip Sheet for Protecting Yourself and Medicare
March 23, 2020
Scams related to the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, are rapidly increasing as the public health emergency develops. Scammers are targeting older adults and those with serious long-term health conditions who appear to have a higher risk for serious illness from COVID-19. Fraudsters are attempting to bill Medicare for sham tests or treatments related to the coronavirus and are targeting individuals to illegally obtain money or Medicare numbers. What can you do to stop COVID-19 fraud? The Senior Medicare Patrol has provided this COVID-19 Consumer Tip Sheet and this COVID-19 Infographic.
An Important Message from ACL IT
March 19, 2020
In the midst of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic and our professional and personal response to it, it’s important to be alert for both existing and new cybersecurity threats. There are bad actors who take advantage of crises to exploit cybersecurity weaknesses -- both human and technical. You can’t do much about technical weakness -- but you can be prepared for attempts to exploit you. Please pay extra attention to links and emails regardless of the subject matter. Pay special attention to the sender, and the organization from which the email was sent, or where a link in the email message may be sending you. The cybersecurity community has seen an increase of phishing to lead people to sites that would install malware or ransomware -- the spoofed Johns Hopkins COVID-19 coronavirus response site is the best example of this.
When you receive email, or you’re following a link from an email, please slow down for a brief moment and consider these things. Is this a phishing email or not? Is this a legitimate website or not? Those few moments may prevent hours, days, or even weeks of effort required to recover from a malware or ransomware attack. Here’s a news story (from a trusted organization!) that explains the impact of how hackers exploit our trust. The links included in the story (also from trusted sources!) provide good examples of how to recognize and spot phishing and scams. Think of it as the cyber equivalent of social distancing, and frequently washing your hands! And please be safe and take care of yourselves and others in all possible ways!
April 28, 2021
The most recent edition of the SAMHSA DTAC Bulletin monthly newsletter focused on Older Adults in Disasters. It provided resources that adults age 65 years and older, their loved ones, and their caregivers can use to prepare for disasters and maximize safety in and after them. Also included in this edition were resources to help responders work more effectively with older adults.
Community Surrounds Anchorage Elders
September 15, 2020
The Southcentral Foundation Elder Program was recently featured in the news for its efforts to maintain communications with their elders. At least once a month, elders will receive a call from an elder resource specialist to check up on them and make sure they’re alright. “They need someone to talk to,” says Louise Britton, Elder Resource Specialist. “Because, you know, especially now this year, they’re alone.” They used to meet in person for meal service, but now the Elder Program building is filled with food and preparation stations. Elders now receive their food through deliveries. The Southcentral Foundation Elder Program has delivered over 20,000 meals and 100,000 lbs of food to nearly a thousand unique elders since the COVID response. View the news coverage here.
Victim Services During the Pandemic: Experiences of Grief and Loss
August 26, 2020
This webinar was held by the National Center for Victims of Crime as part of their Crime Victims Community in COVID-19 series on Wednesday, August 19, 2020. A recording of the webinar is available here. The webinar presentation is available for download here. A copy of the webinar Q&A is available here (Broken Link).
Intersection Between Domestic Violence/Child Sexual Abuse and COVID-19
May 15, 2020
This webinar, presented by the Crime Victims Community in COVID-19, took place on Friday, May 8th, and provided an overview of how COVID-19 impacts domestic violence and child sexual abuse victims. A recording of the webinar presentation is available here. A copy of the webinar presentation is also available for download here.
Eldercare Locator Tips on Addressing COVID-19 and Physical Distancing
April 6, 2020
Early data suggest older people are twice as likely to have serious COVID-19 illness. This may be because immune systems change with age, making it harder to fight off diseases and infection. Older adults also are more likely to have underlying health conditions that make it harder to cope with and recover from illness. In addition, people of all ages, with or without disabilities, seem to be at higher risk for more serious COVID-19 illness if they have severe chronic medical conditions like heart, lung or kidney disease. Reducing exposure is especially important for people at higher risk of complications! Click here for tips and resources from the Eldercare Locator.
AARP National Tele-town Hall Events
April 2, 2020
During these live events, experts share information about COVID-19 and how to protect yourself and participants have asked questions – and gotten answers – on topics including safety and prevention, Medicare beneficiary costs, coverage and policies related to tele-health services, avoiding frauds and scams, and caring for loved ones. AARP will host these online events every Thursday at 1 p.m. ET. Details can be found here.
Dedicated AARP Coronavirus Website
April 2, 2020
More than 4 million individuals visited AARP’s coronavirus site, AARP's anchor news and information site, last week. On this page, extensive coronavirus information and resources including stories, videos, and tips designed to help people protect themselves and cope throughout this difficult time can be found. Also available in Spanish
AARP Community Connections
March 27, 2020
AARP just launched a new online service designed to help users find and organize local volunteer groups to provide financial, emotional and other support to those most affected by the coronavirus outbreak. AARP Community Connections (open to non-members and members) features a searchable directory of mutual aid organizations that have sprung up nationwide to help people at higher risk of COVID-19, the respiratory illness caused by the coronavirus, as well as workers who have been laid off due to the pandemic.
NAPCA Launches Automated In-Language Helpline and Website for Older Adults and Caregivers in Response to COVID-19
March 20, 2020
The Helpline and website offers information on prevention, symptoms, and planning in 8 different languages. Each language will have a dedicated 1-800 line so that older adults who are limited English-proficient can immediately learn about the COVID-19 without having to navigate through difficult English prompts.
Social Security Office Will Only Offer Phone Service - Press Release
March 17, 2020
All local Social Security offices will be closed to the public for in-person service starting Tuesday, March 17, 2020. This decision protects the population we serve—older Americans and people with underlying medical conditions—and our employees during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. However, we are still able to provide critical services. View this Social Security Press Release here.
Home and Community-Based Supportive Services and Elder Rights FAQs
March 12, 2020
These Frequently Asked Questions for Home and Community-Based Supportive Services and Elder Rights can be viewed here.
Last Modified: 05/24/2024